Tuesday, September 8, 2015


I used to blog.
I used to blog a lot.
I started this blog in 2010 where I documented my adventures learning to cook and sharing those recipes with you for three years. After getting married to my favorite sous chef, Mr. Max, I found I had more I wanted to write about. In our first two years of marriage, we developed a strong love of travel, we bought a house, we got pregnant with our first baby. I wanted to write about our travels, becoming home owners, remodeling, DIY projects, restaurant reviews, life hacks, bringing up baby and more. Writing has always been my creative outlet of expression through every phase and emotion of life. I created a new blog, domestikated, to serve as my new creative outlet. However, it's been sitting dormant in the world wide webisphere. I hadn't had the drive to do anything with it yet. 

Until now. 

On May 27, my husband and I suffered the greatest loss – at 33 weeks, our baby was born sleeping. Sorting through grief, I decided it was time to give myself an outlet for release again. It is my intention to use writing to create a platform around expressing grief that surrounds stillbirth and loss. A chance to share my soul while navigating a life post-loss. 

Right now I am trying to create beauty from ashes and find purpose. Life after loss - that is our new road. Grief is a journey that I wish I could put a time frame on but I can't, the emotions of it are all over the map in no sequential order. There is sadness, there is anger, there is jealousy, there is resentment, there is self-loathing, there is shame, there is fear. There is gratitude, there is humility, there is acceptance. There is joy again, and this is the road to it. 

I have officially retired Kate's Cure for the Common Cuisine and invite you to follow domestikated.