Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Teriyaki Salmon


That was my own instrumental regale playing in my head, you know like the trumpets and horns play in movies for some grand royal exclamation? Think Princess Bride, before they announce Pwincess Buttahcahp (I couldn't resist...)

I do this because I have two fantastic announcements - the first is that I finally got a new camera! Patience on Craigslist paid off my friends, I got this amazing little Sony touch screen nugget at a fraction of the retail cost. What's wrong with it, one may ask? NOTHING... except maybe the battery flap doesn't clasp shut but that is what scotch tape is for and so not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. It's not like the battery falls out at all even when the do-jigger pops open. Get scrappy, scotch tape it up, problem solved. Loving my new electronic toy, enjoying the better picture quality. My regards to Mr. Max's iPhone camera for the last few recipe postings with pictures...but onto better things.

My second grand announcement is that my new knife set has arrived!!!!! A varying blade-type, culinary quality, kind of knife block you register for, KitchenAid knife set - miiiine. And no mother, I didn't drop a pretty penny to get them, I found them on my RueLaLa.com boutique for only $39.99 (down from $79.99, might I add) and they are just beautiful. To the women of my family, yes hell hath frozen over, I have become a bargain shopper.

As mentioned previously, receiving new kitchenware has become just as exciting as fabulous clothing and shoes, and even more so when you find amazing little bargain deals. My reaction to opening the packaged box today was that of Carrie Bradshaw opening her closet and saying "Hello Lover", to her Manolos. Yes, I am excited about amazing knives, no I am not a female Dexter Morgan. And just to clarify, I would still get ecstatic if I had Manolos to look at, too. Perhaps my new culinary toy will enable me to get back to basics and not rely so much on my food processor. Relax my little pint-sized chopping hero, you are still my number 1.

Let's begin tonight's cooking adventure.

I received a homemade recipe to create my own teriyaki marinade that I used over fresh Atlantic Salmon. Ring-a-Ding....think of this as the bell and you are one of Pavlov's dogs. It's okay to salivate, it is well-deserved. Here we go...

Grocery List:
2 fresh cut salmon fillets
1/3 cup Tamari (or soy sauce) - found in the Ethnic food aisle
2 tbsp Mirin (rice wine) - found in the Ethnic food aisle
2 1/2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp honey
1 1/2 tbsp chopped ginger
1 tbsp lemon juice

Additional Needs:
Medium Sized mixing bowl

Take your mixing bowl and pour the Tamari and Mirin in first, followed by the apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, honey then ginger. Taste and add a pinch of whatever you think is needed - I added a dab more honey to make it sweeter.

Cover your salmon fillets with the mixture, set aside and let marinate for at least 20 minutes, flipping often to fully coat the salmon in the teriyaki sauce.

At this time, I began preparing the double broccoli quinoa, which you will see posted below, also labeled in "Entree's Fashionable Accessories".

After your salmon has had a nice long teriyaki bath, place it in the skillet to let it begin to cook. To better the cooking process, cover the skillet with a lid.

This should only take 15 minutes at most. The teriyaki sauce thickens as it cooks, so you can spoon some of the sauce over the salmon to serve!

Enjoy this absolutely delicious and rather guilt-free supper! See below for double broccoli quinoa recipe.

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