Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve Dinner

Auld lang syne my friends! It's official, we had our best meal of the year on the last night of the year. Thank you Southern Living Ultimate Christmas Cookbook for providing us with the incredible menu line up of our short culinary careers. The night's menu consisted of:
  • Holiday baked brie
  • Winter greens salad with a champagne-pomegranate vinaigrette topped with Gorgonzola crumbles, honey glazed pecans and pomegranate seeds.
  • Bacon wrapped beef tenderloin with Madeira sauce
  • Sun-dried tomato and garlic whipped potatoes
  • Roasted green beans with balsamic glaze
Mr. Max and I have created a New Year's Eve dinner tradition - at A&M, if anything happens more than 2 times, it is a tradition, I've adopted that policy. The past two years we have spent the afternoon preparing a wonderful dinner of steak and bell pepper kabobs, mashed potatoes, big salad and an alternating veggie. This year, we decided to shake it up with something new. After reading the SL cookbook, it was a given - we were graduating to bacon wrapped beef tenderloin. I decided to up the ante with sun-dried tomato and garlic potatoes, trying another version. The salad was incredible, I loved this vinaigrette and plan to make a batch to store for future use! Finally, the green beans were the perfect side; roasted until almost crunchy, yet moist and juicy, tossed in a balsamic glaze. Mmm-mm-mmmm-mm-mmmm.

The individual recipes will come over the next couple days but I leave you with these shots of our lovely meal to ring in 2011! Time to get ready to celebrate with friends, much love and happy new year to you all!

Baked brie appetizer

Plate of incredible food

Our little table set up - of course, a bowl game playing in the background :-)

Fun fact: Notice anything different? Perhaps, the photo clarity and awesomeness? Mr. Max surprised me with a new fancy Nikon camera for Christmas so I could take better pictures for my blog - and life in general. Thank you Santa Max!!

Tomorrow on New Years Day, I will be in my mom's kitchen tackling brisket and black eyed pea soup!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that seriously looks amazing! Good for you! Great job.

    While you were living it up with your fancy meal I was cursing myself with a crappy pizza that I ruined by overstuffing it with too many veggies which then overpowered the sauce and ruined the overall taste! :-( Bummer! I made up for it the next day though with my crab quiche and banana cake.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your kind words. I look forward to getting to know you better!

