Monday, August 29, 2011

A Thank You and Four Cheese Baked Penne Repost

I want to take a moment to pay my thanks and appreciation to my community of support - this has grown beyond what I could have ever imagined! I've been out of town since Thursday and when I returned late last night, I learned that Carol Toler with the Lake Highlands Advocate had done a write-up about this blog contest, my church is circulating emails to vote, my blog traffic stats are rockin off the charts and this little "hobby" of mine needs to pick it up because requests for new posts are coming in. THANK YOU seems like an incredible understatement. Regardless of the outcome, my heart is touched and I'm sitting here like a goof crying at my desk because it means so much to me. I appreciate you, your votes and your kindness, please keep voting through September 9!

Because I have been consumed with traveling, meetings and events lately, I don't have new material right now to post. However, I wanted to give new readers some past recipes as you begin your week and may want some (easy) dinner ideas.

As Carol wrote, I used to make a ton of pasta dishes in college. I refer to this time as my "getting the feet wet" stages of cooking. My baked ziti approach has evolved and I wanted to share our favorite recipe adapted from Elie Krieger in the link below. Enjoy this delicious dish and watch for an upcoming remake post of the Hatch Chili Chicken Enchiladas from the lake last summer as the gnocchi girls and I make them again tonight! Have you voted today?

Have yourself some Italian tonight -

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