Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lemon Green Beans

My apologies, I've posted every thing up to this point the night of/morning after the meal, but I've been doing online defensive driving in my spare time so I haven't been able to post until now. Good news, I finished it AND just saved 10% on my car insurance, in your face Geico.

From my Sunday post, you saw the meals I set out for this week and the first two have been uber-successful! So easy to make, healthy to consume and delicious to taste.

As previously mentioned, green beans have been a "newer" development for me - only eating them since about March. I have played with two different methods of preparation, and here is a third, which could quite possibly be my favorite to date. This recipe combines garlic, lemon and fresh parsley - the result? Three hearty MMM-mmm's. (You know, the noise you make when something tastes really good?)

Grocery List:
3 cups of haricot vert green beans (I used frozen because I had them)
1 tablespoon of olive oil
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 cup water (if you are using fresh, not frozen green beans - used to steam the green beans in the skillet. I'm going to skip over this part below, but here you have it)
1 large tablespoon of fresh Parsley (by large, I mean overflowing)
1 table spoon of fresh lemon juice (I used lemon juice I had, but feel free to squeeze from the lemon yourself!)
Salt and Pepper to taste

Additional Needs:
Large skillet
Food processor or other means of a sharp blade

Begin by heating the oil in a large skillet over medium. Once you start to hear the snap, crackle and pop of the heated oil, add your green beans to begin cooking. Go ahead and sprinkle some salt and pepper to your liking at this time. Stir occasionally, about 5 minutes.

Next chop up your garlic via food processor or blade of choice.

Stir in the garlic and cook until fragrant.

During this time I realized just how much I loved the smell of garlic, then as I was throwing something away, caught a whiff of my Glade cinnamon air freshener and thought to myself, what if they made a roasted garlic scented candle? At that point I realized, I did not love the smell that much.... back to cooking.

Continue to cook for another few minutes, then add your lemon juice.

Looks like I got that manicure I commented on last week... I have a thing for red.

Last sprinkle your fresh parsley into the mix...

...stir and done!

Set on warm heat to keep warm as you wait for the rest of your meal to finish, then serve!

Shown with Moroccan Sweet Potato Crisp recipe and store bought garlic and herb pork tenderloin.

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